As a student you will probably collect all kinds of interesting information to help you with your studies. Many of these will be for research projects in various classes. Some will be useful throughout your time as a student, while others may only be useful for a specific paper. Quick and effortless retrieval of key citations from your collection will allow you to concentrate on writing a better paper.


Refworks makes collecting and organizing citations as simple as saving bookmarks in your web browser. This citation management software gathers the essential information for proper citations and saves it to your collection. It allows you to tag and drop records into folders for later retrieval. This painless process will allow you to keep organized while you search, no need to take time later to get your selections in order.


Refworks interface screen


Additional time saving features include keyword searches of your collection and citation sorting by title, author and publication date.

Refworks also gives you the option to import full text PDFs for each citation. Highlight key phrases and make notes on the PDFs to help you remember important information about each article.


All of your information is in one place, organized and annotated. Losing information is a thing of the past.

Did we mention that Refworks is free for all students and faculty of D'Youville?


Here is a short tutorial to get you started with organizing your Refworks citations. It is included in our YouTube playlist of Refworks tutorials. Still not convinced? Take a look at our Refworks overview to see other ways it can benefit you.


Try out Refworks now to use these great features.


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