This subject guide has been developed with individual nursing theorists. All are different as access to each theorist is different.
Where available I have included:
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Many of the original works cited can be found in the DYC library collection or can be obtained by placing an Interlibrary Loan request.
Faye G Abdellah Patient-Centered Approaches to Nursing
Abdellah, F. G., & Levin, E.,(1957). Developing a measure of patient and personnel satisfaction with nursing care. Nursing Research, 5(2), 100-108.
Abdellah, F. G.,(1981). Nursing care of the aged in the United States of America. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 7(11), 657-663.
Abdellah, F. G. ,(1990). Reflections of a recurring theme. Nursing Clinics of North America,25, 509-516.
Original Work: Patient-centered approaches to nursing (1960)
Faye Glenn Abdellah selections available at the Montante Family Library:
The Tidal Model of Mental Health Nursing
Barker, P., (2001) The Tidal model: Developing an empowering, person-centred approach to recovery within psychiatric and mental health nursing. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing & Mental Health Services, 8(3), 233-240.
Barker, P.,(2001) The tidal model: the lived-experience in person-centered mental health nursing care. Nursing Philosophy, 2, 213-223.
Barker, P.,(2002) The tidal model. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing & Mental Health Services, 40(7), 42-50.
Barker, P.,(2012) First, do no harm: Confronting the myths of psychiatric drugs. Nursing Ethics, 19(4), 451-463.
Original Work: The Tidal Model A Guide for Mental Health Professionals 2005
Phil Barker selections available at the Montante Family Library
Theory of Interpersonal Relations
Child Health Assessment; Part I: A Literature Review.
Child Health Assessment Part II: The First Year of Life
Werley, H.H.(1984). Nursing research related to infants and young children. In Annual review of nursing research (pp.3-25). Springer Science & Business Media.
Booth, C.L., Barnard, K.E., Mitchell, S.K., et al., (1987). Successful intervention with multi-problem mothers: Effects on the mother-infant relationship. Infant Mental Health Journal, 8(3), 288-306.
Original Work: Structure to Outcome: Making It Work(1983) 9994869264
Benner, P.,(2011). Formation in Professional Education: An Examination of the Relationship between Theories of Meaning and Theories of the Self. Journal of Medicine & Philosophy, 36(4), 342-353.
Theory of Nursing as Caring: A Model for Transforming Practice
Original Works:
Living a Caring-Based Program (1994) 978-0887375910
Nursing as Caring:A Model for Transforming Practice (2015) 978-1522952428
Anne Boykin selections available at the Montante Family Library
Integrated Theory & Knowledge Development in Nursing ( ebook )
Chinn, P. L.,(1978). A model for theory development in nursing. Advances in Nursing Science, 1(1), 1-12.
Chinn, P.L., Wheeler, C.E.(1985). Feminism and nursing. Nursing Outlook, 33(2), 74-77.
Chinn, P.L., Maeve, M.K., Bostick, C.( 1997). Aesthetic injury and the art of nursing. Scholarly Inquiry for Nursing Practice: An International Journal. 11(2),83-95.
Original Work: Anthology on Caring (1991) ISBN 0887375162
Latest Work: Knowledge Development in Nursing: Theory and Process 10thed (2017) ISBN 0323530613
Peggy Chinn selections available at the Montante Family Library
Eakes,G.G.,(1984). The nurse/patient relationship in terminal cases; a consideration for providers of holistic care in coping with death. Home Healthcare Nurse, July/August,17-18.
Lindgren, C.L., Burke, M.L., Hainsworth, M.A., Eakes, G.G., (1992). Chronic sorrow: a lifespan concept. Scholarly Inquiry for Nursing Practice: An International Journal, 6(1), 27-39.
Burke, M.L., Hainsworth, M.A., Eakes, G.G., Lindgren, C.L., ( 1992). Current knowledge and research on chronic sorrow: A foundation for inquiry. Death Studies, 16, 231-245.
Eakes,G.G., Hainsworth, M.L., Lindgren, C, et al.,(1993). Chronic sorrow in multiple sclerosis. Home Healthcare Nurse,11(2),9-13.
Eakes, G.G.,(1993). Chronic sorrow: a response to living with cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum, 20(9),1327-1334.
Hainsworth, M.A.,Eakes, G.G., Burke, M.L., (1994). Coping with chronic sorrow. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 15,59-66.
Eakes,G.G.,(1995). Chronic sorrow: The lived experience of parents of chronically mentally ill individuals. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing,9(2),77-84.
Eakes, G.G.,Walsh, S., Markowski, M., et al, (1997). Family centered brief solution-focused therapy with chronic schizophrenia: A pilot study. Journal of Family Therapy, 9,145-158.
Eakes,G.G.,, Burke, M.L., Hainsworth, M.A.,(1998). Middle-range theory of chronic sorrow. Image; the Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 30(2),179-184.
Georgene Eakes selections available through the Montante Family Library
Conceptual Models of Nursing and meta-theoretical work, which focuses on the nature and structure of knowledge in nursing
Fawcett,J.,(1978). The relationship between theory and research: A double helix. Advances in Nursing Science, 1(1), 49-62.
Fawcett, J,.(1980). A Declaration of nursing independence: the relation of theory and research to nursing practice. Journal of Nursing Administration, June,36-39.
Fawcett, J.,(1984). The metaparadigm of nursing: Present status and future refinements. Image: The Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 16(3), 84-87.
Fawcett,J., (1987). Conceptual models of nursing: Application to critical care nursing practice. Dimensions of Critical care Nursing,6(4),202-214.
Fawcett,J.( 2001). On nursing theories and evidence. Journal of Nursing Scholarship.33(2), 115-119.
Fawcett, J.,(2005). Criteria for evaluation of theory. Nursing Science Quarterly, 18(2), 131-135.
Original work: Analysis and Evaluation of Conceptual Models of Nursing (1988) ISBN 0803634102
Latest Work: Applying Conceptual Models of Nursing Research, Quality Improvement, and Practice (2017). ISBN 0826180051
Jacqueline Fawcett selections available through the Montante Family Library.
The Aspects of Care, Core, Cure
Hall, L.,(1963). Center for nursing. Nursing Outlook, 11(11), 804-806.
Hall, L.,(1964). Nursing: what is it?. The Canadian Nurse, 60(1), 150-154.
Hall, L.,(1964). Incapacitation or rehabilitation? American Journal of Nursing, 64(11), C-20-C25.
Hall, L.,(1969). The Loeb Center for nursing and rehabilitation, Montefiore Hospital and Medical Center, Bronx, New York. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 6, 81-97.
Lydia Hall selections available at the Montante Family Library
Virginia Henderson The Priciples and Practice of Nursing
Virginia Henderson and Her Timeless Writings
Henderson,V., (1964). The Nature of Nursing. The American Journal of Nursing, 64(8), 62-68.
Henderson, V., (1978). The concept of nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 3(2), 113-130.
Henderson, V.,(1980). Preserving the essence of nursing in a technological age. Journal of Advanced Nursing 5(3), 245–260.
Henderson, V., (1982). The nursing process-is the title right? Journal of Advanced Nursing 7(2), 103–109.
Original Work: Nature 0f Nursing (1966) ISBN 0023535202
Virginia Henderson selections available at the Montante Family Library
The Behavior System Model for Nursing
Johnson, D.,(1943). Learning to know people. American Journal of Nursing, 43(3), 248-252.
Johnson, D., (1959). A philosophy of nursing. Nursing Outlook, 7(4), 198-200.
Johnson, D., (1959). The nature of a science of nursing. Nursing Outlook, 7(5), 291-294.
Johnson, D., (1961). The significance of nursing care. American Journal of Nursing, 61(11), 63-66.
Johnson, D., (1968). Theory in nursing: Borrowed and unique. Nursing Research, 17(3), 206-209.
Johnson, D., (1974). Development of a theory: A requisite for nursing as a primary health profession. Nursing Research, 23(5), 372-377.
Original Work: History and trends of practical nursing (1966) ISBN 0853135339
Dorothy Johnson selections available at the Montante Family Library
King's Conceptual System and Theory of Goal Attainment and Trancultural Process
King, I. (1968). A conceptual frame of reference for nursing. Nursing Research, 17(1), 27-30.
Daubenmire, M.J., King, I. (1973). Nursing process models: A systems approach. Nursing Outlook, 21(8), 512-517.
King, I., (1984). Effectiveness of nursing care: use a goal oriented nursing record in end stage renal disease. AANNT Journal/ The American Association of Neprology Nurse and Technicians, 11(2), 11-17, 60.
King, I., (1990). Health as the goal for nursing. Nursing Science Quarterly, 3(3), 123-128.
King, I., (1992). King's theory of goal attainment. Nursing Science Quarterly, 5(1), 19-26.
Original Work: Toward a theory for nursing : general concepts of human behavior (1971)
Imogene King slections available at the Montante Family Library
Culture Care Diversity and Universality
Leininger, M., (1985). Transcultural care diversity and universality : a theory of nursing. Nursing & Health Care, 6(4), 209-212.
Leininger, M., (1999). What Is transcultural nursing and culturally competent care? Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 10(1), 9.
Original Work: Basic psychiatric concepts in nursing by
Madeleine Leininger selections available at the Montante Family Library
Levine, M., (1967). The four conservation principles of nursing. Nursing Forum, 6(1), 45-59.
Levine, M., (1970). The intransigent patient. American Journal of Nursing, 2106-2111.
Levine, M., (1971). Holistic nursing. Nursing Clinics of North America, 6(2), 253-264.
Levine, M., (1996). The conservation principles: a retrospective. Nursing Science Quarterly, 9(1), 38-41.
Original Work: Introduction to clinical nursing (1973)
Myra Estrin Levine selections available at the Montante Family Library
Neuman, B., Young, R.J. (1972). Model for teaching total person approach to patient problems. Nursing Research, 21(3), 264-269.
Neuman, B., (1996). The neuman systems model in research and practice. Nursing Science Quarterly, 9(2), 67-70.
Original Work: Neuman Systems Model (1989)
Betty Neuman selections available at the Montante Family Library
Health as Expanding Consciousness
Newman, M. (1984). Looking at the whole. American Journal of Nursing, 1496-1499.
Newman, M. (1990). Newman's theory of health as praxis. Nursing Science Quarterly, 3(1), 37-41.
Newman, M. (1997). Evolution of the theory of health as expanding consciousness. Nursing Science Quarterly, 10(1), 22-25.
Newman, M. (1997). Experiencing the whole. Advances in Nursing Science, 20(1), 34-39.
Newman, M. (2002). The pattern that connects. Advances in Nursing Science, 24(3), 1-7.
Newman, M. (2003). A world of no boundaries. Advances in Nursing Science, 26(4), 24-245.
Newman, M. (2008). It's about time. Nursing Science Quarterly, 212(3), 225-227.
Original Work: Theory Development in Nursing 1979
Margaret Newman selections available at the Montante Family Library
Florence Nightingale 1820-1910
Florence Nightingale Notes on Nursing
Florence Nightingale's Influence on Nursing
Nightingale, F., (1898). Notes on nursing: What it is, and What it is not. 1-70
Hegge, M,, Nightingale's environmental theory. Nursing Science Quarterly, 26(3), 211-219.
Florence Nightingale selections available at The Montante Family Library
Dorothea Orem's Self-Care Theory
Dorothea Orem The Self Care Deficit Nursing Theory
Orem, D.,( 1985). A concept of self-care for the rehabilitation client. Rehabilitation Nursing, May-June, 33-36.
Orem, D., (1988). The form of nursing science. Nursing Science Quarterly, 1(2), 75-79.
Orem, D., (1995). Nursing theory and positive mental health: practical considerations. Nursing Science Quarterly, 8(4), 165-173.
Orem, D.E., (1997). Views of human beings specific to nursing. Nursing Science Quarterly, 10(1), 26-31.
Original Work: Nursing: Concepts of Practice (1971)
Dorothea Orem selections available at the Montante Family Library
The Dynamic Nurse-Patient Relationship
Orlando, I. J.,(1987). Nursing in the 21st century: Alternate paths. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 12(4), 405-412.
Orlando, I. J., & Dugan, A.,(1989). Independent and dependent paths: The fundamental issue for the nursing profession. Nursing & Health Care, 2(2), 77-80.
Original Work: The discipline and teaching of nursing process: an evaluative study (1972)
Ida Jean Orlando selections available at the Montante Family Library
Parse, RR., (1990). Parse's research methodology with an illustration of the lives experience of hope. Nursing Science Quarterly, 3(1), 9-17.
Parse, RR., (1990). Health: a personal commitment. Nursing Science Quarterly, 3(3), 136-140.
Parse, RR., (1992). Human becoming: parse's theory of nursing. Nursing Science Quarterly, 5(1), 35-42.
Parse, RR.,(1996). The human becoming theory: Challenges in practice and research. Nursing Science Quarterly, 9(2), 55-60.
Original Work: Nursing Fundamentals (1974) ISBN 0874883784
Rosemarie Rizzo Parse Selections Available at the Montante Family Library
Nola Pender Health Promtion Model
Pender, N., (1985). Effects of progressive muscle relaxation training on anxiety and health locus of control among hypertensive adults. Research in Nursing & Health, 8(1), 67-72.
Pender,N., (1986). Attitudes, Subjective Norms, And Intentions to Engage In Health Behaviors. Nursing Research, 35(1), 3-63.
Pender,N.,(1990). Expressing Health Through Lifestyle Patterns. Nursing Science Quarterly, 3(3), 115-122.
Original Works:
Health promotion in nursing practice 1st ed (1982)
Health promotion in nursing practice 7th ed.(2015)
Nola Pender selections available at the Montante Family Library
Hildegard E Peplau Theory of Interpersonal Relations
Peplau, H., (1997). Peplau's theory of inerpersonal relations. Nursing Science Quarterly, 10(4), 162-167.
Original Work: Interpersonal relations in nursing, a conceptual frame of reference for psychodynamic nursing (1952)
Hildegard Peplau selections available at The Montante Family Library
Self Transcendence Theory
Self Transcendence : Scale and Theory
Reed,P.G.,(1991) Preferences for spiritually related nursing interventions among terminally ill and nonterminally ill hospitalized adults and well adults. Applied Nursing Research, 4(3),122-128.
Reed,P.G., A treatise on nursing knowledge development for the 21st century: Beyond postmodernism. Advances in Nursing Sciences 17(3), 70-83.
Reed, P.G.,(1996) Transcendence: Formulating nursing perspectives. Nursing Science Quarterly, 9(1),2-4.
Reed, P.G.,(1996) Transcendence: Formulating nursing perspectives. Nursing Science Quarterly, 9(1),2-4.
Original Work: Nursing Knowledge and Theory Innovation: Advancing the Science of Practice (2017)
The Science of Unitary and Irreducible Human Beings
Rogers, M., (1965). What the public demands of nursing today. RN, 80-84.
Rogers, M., (1975). Nursing is coming of age....Through the practioner movement. American Journal of Nursing, Oct, 1834-1843.
Rogers, M., (1988). Nursing science and art: A prospective. Nursing Science Quarterly,1(3), 99-101.
Rogers, M., (1992). Nursing science and the space age. Nursing Science Quarterly, 5(1), 27-34.
Rogers, M., (1997). Euphemisms in nursing's future. IMAGE: Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 29(4), 332-333.
Original Work: An introduction to the theoretical basis of nursing 1970
Martha Rogers selections available at the Montante Family Library
Roy, C., (1970). Adaptation: A conceptual framework for nursing. Nursing Outlook, 18(3), 42-45.
Roy, C., (1988). An Explication of the Philosophical Assumptions of the Roy Adaptation Model. Nursing Science Quarterly, 1(1), 26-34.
Original Work: Introduction to Nursing: An Adaptation Model 1976 (ISBN 013491290X)
Sister Callista Roy selections available at the Montante Family Library
The Human to Human Relationship Model of Nursing has seven basic concepts.
* Theory information obtained from
Travelbee, J.,(1963). What do we mean by rapport? The American Journal of Nursing, 63(2), 70-72.
Travelbee, J.,(1964). What's wrong with sympathy? The American Journal of nursing, 64(1), 68-71.
Travelbee, J.,(1972). To find meaning in illness. Nursing, Dec, 6-9.
Original Work: Interpersonal Aspects of Nursing (1966)
Joyce Travelbee selections available at the Montante Family Library
Watson Caring Science Institute & International Cartas Consortium
Jean Watson Caring Science as Sacred Science
Watson, J., (1968). Death – A necessary concern for nurses. Nursing Outlook,16(2), 47-48.
Watson, J., (1981). Conceptual systems of students and practicing nurses. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 3(2), 172-192.
Watson, J., (1981). The lost art of nursing. Nursing Forum, XX(3), 244-249.
Watson, J., (1988). New dimensions of human caring theory. Nursing Science Quarterly, 1(4), 175-181.
Watson, J., (1989). Caring theory. Journal of Japan Academy of Nursing Science, 9(2), 29-37.
Original Work: Nursing: The Philosophy and Science of Caring (1979)
Jean Watson selections available at the Montante Family Library
The Helping Art of Clinical Nursing
Perscriptive Theory
Ernestine Wiedenbach developed the conceptual model of nursing called the Helping Art of Clinical Nursing.
In her model of nursing, she explains that nursing is the practice of identification of a patient's need for help through the observation of presenting behaviors and symptoms, exploration of the meaning of those symptoms with the patient, determining the cause of discomfort, and determining the patient's ability to resolve the discomfort or if the patient has a need for help from the nurse or other health care professionals. The goal of nursing consists primarily of identifying a patient's need for help. The need for help is defined as "any measure desired by the patient that has the potential to restore or extend the ability to cope with various life situations that affect health and wellness." Need-for-help must be based on the individual patient's perception of his or her own situation.
Wiedenbach's theory identifies the patient as "any individual who is receiving help of some kind, be it care, instruction or advice from a member of the health profession or from a worker in the field of health." A patient is any person who has entered the healthcare system and is receiving help, which means he or she does not need to be ill. A person receiving health-related education would qualify as a patient.
The theory identifies four main elements in clinical nursing: a philosophy, a purpose, a practice, and the art.
The nurse's philosophy is his or her attitude and belief about life, and how that affects reality for him or her. The three essential components Wiedenbach associated with a nursing philosophy are reverence for life; respect for the dignity, worth, autonomy, and individuality of each human being; and the resolution to act on personally and professionally held beliefs.
The nurse's purpose is that which the nurse wants to accomplish through her actions. It encompasses all of the activities directed toward the overall good of the patient.
The practice of nursing consists of the observable nursing actions affected by beliefs and feelings about meeting the patient's need for help.
The art of nursing includes understanding the patient's needs, developing goals and actions intended to enhance the patient's ability, and directing the activities related to the medical plan to improve the patient's condition. The nurse's focus is also on the prevention of complications related to reoccurrence or the development of new concerns.
Nursing skills are carried out to achieve a specific patient-centered purpose rather than the completion of the skill itself being the end goal. Skills are made up of a variety of actions, and characterized by harmony of movement, precision, and effective use of self.
The theory explains that knowledge encompasses all that has been perceived and grasped by the human mind. It may be factual, speculative, or practical.
A nurse uses two types of judgment in dealing with patients: clinical and sound. Clinical judgment represents the nurse's likeliness to make sound decisions, which are based on differentiating fact from assumption and relating them to cause and effect. Sound judgment is the result of disciplined functioning of mind and emotions, and improves with expanded knowledge and increased clarity of professional purpose.
Wiedenbach's prescriptive theory is based on three factors:
* Theory information obtained from
Wiedenbach, E., (1963). The helping art of nursing. The American Journal of Nursing, 63(11), 54-57.
Wiedenbach, E., (1968). The nurse's role in family planning. A conceptual basis for practice. Nursing Clinics of North America, 3(2), 355-365.
Wiedenbach, E., (1968). Genetics and the nurse. Bulletin of the American College of Nurse-Midwifery, 13(2), 8-13.
Original Work: Clinical nursing, a helping art (1964)
Ernestine Wiedenbach selections available at the Montante Family Library
Wiener, C., Fagerhaugh, S., Strauss, A., Suczek,B.,(1980). Patient power: Complex issues need complex answers. Social Policy, Sept/Oct, 30-38.
Wiener,C.,Fagerhaugh,S.,Strauss,A.,Suczek,B.,(1981). Patients' work in the technologized hospital. Nursing Outlook, July, 404-412.
Kayser-Jones,J., Davis, A., Wiener, C.,L., Higgins, S.,S.,(1989). An ethical analysis of an elder's treatment. Nursing Outlook, Nov/Dec,267-270.
Weiner,C.,(2004). Holding american hospitals accountable:Rhetoric and reality. Nursing Inquiry, 11,82-90.
Original Works: The Politics of Alcoholism: Building an Arena Around a Social Problem (1981) 9780878553792
The Elusive Quest: Accountability in Hospitals( Social Problems and Social Issues) (2000) 978-0202306315