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Nursing Research Guide

How to find Research Instruments

Finding a research instrument can be a challenge. This page provides sample searches you can perform in CINAHL and other databases, as well as links to some eBooks in our collection that contain full text instruments. Please talk to a librarian if you have trouble locating a particular tool.

When searching in CINAHL, PsycInfo, or Medline, you can copy and paste this phrase into a search box and combine with your topic:

 (instrument OR instruments* OR questionnaire OR questionnaires OR survey OR scale OR index OR tool)


search example


CINAHL is the only database that has a "Research Instrument" limiter on the Advanced Search Screen. Do an advanced search on your topic, selecting the Research Instrument limiter below:


Nursing Instrument Ebooks

This 3-volume set of ebooks can be accessed from our catalog. Log in to the DYU network, click on the catalog record, and click on "connect to full text of ebook"

  • Measurement of Nursing Outcomes 
    • Volume 1: Measuring Nursing Performance in Practice, Education, and Research
    • Volume 2: Client Outcomes and Quality of Care
    • Volume 3: Self Care and Coping

If you would like to browse print books in our collection, the call number RT 81.5 covers nursing research design and methodology. We have many books on developing your own tool, questionnaire, or scale, and how to conduct research.