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Finding Resources

Find resources within the D'Youville Library Collection

Faculty Resources

The library offers a range of resources and services to support faculty and to achieve D'Youville's academic mission.


Librarians can help you and your students achieve their research needs with services including library instruction, course reserves, database access, e-resources, and more.

Teaching Resources

Online Learning Library Services

Various tools and services are available via the Online Learning Librarian including links to high quality OERs, library research objects and online research assistance for your students.


This tool searches across our collection and can be embedded into the Learning Management System to provide easy access to library materials. We can also adjust the D'YouSearch tool for your class to limit the search to academic disciplines relevant to your class or assignment.

Course Reserves

Place your class materials on reserve in the library.


Use Refworks to create a linked reading list to share with your students. Link directly to articles in library databases or to web pages and avoid copyright issues. 

Streaming Videos

The library has some streaming video databases that allow you to easily find and select segments from thousands of academic and commercial titles. You can also create annotated playlists. Both options allow give you a simple url that can embed the video into your class via the LMS. Click the link above to see the individual options or visit the our Streaming Search Tool

Library Forms

Online request forms for all of our major services.

Digital Services Librarian

The Digital Services Librarian can help you connect to our resources. Contact the DSL with problems relating to remote access, linking/embedding library resources, customized video tutorials and help with citation management software.

Research and Publishing Tools


Search for current research from top academic and scientific journals using our large collection of databases.


This cloud-based research management and citation tool will help you organize and manage any information that you may find. Add resources to your library with just a click and publish works cited pages in seconds. Includes citation styles for several hundred research publications and all major academic styles including APA, MLA and more.

Interlibrary Loan

Use Interlibrary Loan to obtain material that you cannot find in our collection.

Chronicle of Higher Education

D'Youville site license link to Chronicle of Higher Education. Includes articles, special reports, and trend data.


Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities helps researchers evaluate and select the most appropriate outlet for their work. 

Academic Share

The AcademicSHARE program provides on-site access and library loan privileges for current college, staff to outside member academic libraries.